how do you change formats
and how do u eye color and hair change i
On photo shop how to make the pictures jpeg format to upload onto websites.?
To make it a jpeg format go to file %26gt; save as %26gt; then from the drop down list choose jpeg.
To change eye and hair colour select the eyes, with either lasso or pen tool and then go to image %26gt; adjustments %26gt; hue/saturation. Make sure you have colourize checked off and change the colour to whatever.
On photo shop how to make the pictures jpeg format to upload onto websites.?
i think its when you save your projects you can save it to jpeg
check out some youtube videos on how to change eye color and hair
1) Do all your retouching (I'm not going into color changes here) on as large a version of the image as you have - but don't enlarge, just work at the biggest available size.
2) Save the file at highest resolution jpeg (jpeg 12) or as a PSD or TIF
3) Have in mind the size (in pixel dimensions) that you want the web image to be. Not pixels per inch, but, something like 220 pixels wide by 330 pixels tall.
4) Set the CROP tool (it's in the tool palette) to those two dimensions (in the tool bar). Then make your crop,
5) Depending on which version of Photoshop, %26quot;save for web%26quot; or %26quot;save for device.%26quot; You might have the option of setting the quality level of jpeg compression - for people photos you can go as low as 65 to 45. But, you'll see a preview of how much damage the compressions is doing as you change compression level.
6) Save - making sure that it saves in a folder that you will remember and can get to easily.
for the jpeg format when saving your projects you have to select the format.
idk how to do the rest.