Does anybody know how to change a Bitmap format to a JPG, GIF format?
The guys up there are right ... simply open it in mspaint and do a %26quot;save as%26quot; and choose a gif/jpeg extension.
You have not mentioned the OS that you're running though ... some old versions of windows have a crappy ms paint version installed that is incapable of doing these conversions ... in this case, download a free program called IrfanView ... and open the image in this program and then do a %26quot;save as%26quot;
on linux flavors ... you could use gimp, qv, imagemagick, gthumb, etc.
on a mac ... i guess you could use quicktime image viewer
Does anybody know how to change a Bitmap format to a JPG, GIF format?
Simple, Open the picture using Ms Paint and then select
File-%26gt;Save As and in the Save As type choose the required format.
You can simply open the picture in Paint (default editor in windows) and then File%26gt;Save As%26gt; and it is there that you can choose another format of your choice (including jpg, and gif).
Open the bitmap image in Paint.
Go to File =%26gt; Save As
A window will pop open
Click the Arrow beside Save As File type
A menu will pull down
Select JPG or GIF
Enter a filename beside Filename
Click Save
open it with paint or adobe photoshop, save file as then select it to JPEG.
Open it with MSPaint and do a %26quot;save as%26quot; .
i guess rename the file with the desired extension
you can do that in windows paintbrush in the accessories folder of the start - all programs menu.
open the file then select %26quot;save as %26quot; and choose the jpeg file- type from the file-type line
open in paint, save as in the file types drop down menu, choose.