How to Change Picture Size?
The size of a picture file is based on the amount of information it is holding and the type of file not your operating system. A setting on your camera has changed.
How to Change Picture Size?
Bmp (bitmap) format takes a lot more space then the JPG format. If those bigger pictures are in bmp format, i will explain you an easy trick to convert them to JPG format, which will make them smaller.
Right click on any large sized picture, and open with -%26gt; paint (you can also open %26quot;paint%26quot; and browse the file)
Once you opened a picture with paint;
File-%26gt;Save as-%26gt; -here switch the save as type to JPEG. -%26gt;save.
You won't see the difference between JPEG or BMP, but size reduces significantly
By the way, this is not caused by your Operating System, all photo's have different quality, which changes their size gradually.