Saturday 4 June 2011

How to change a picture format from jpeg to png, jpg, or gif?

I took some pictures with my phone and want to put them on myspace; but myspace wont let me because it is in the wrong format. Help me please!!!|||It is best to use irfanview. Open your picture with irfanview and save it in any format you want.|||either add the .jpg, .gif, or .png format extention to the end of the name or open the picture by right clicking on it %26gt; selecting paint %26gt; then clicking file, save as then choose the file type|||Irfan View is the best. Alternatively use Paint. Simple and effective|||You can open the picture in MS Paint (Start%26gt;Programs%26gt;Accessories%26gt;Paint) and then use the file%26gt;save as option to save it in a different format.|||open the picture... then click file... then save as... click save type as and then choose what format you want .

=]|||Go to they will convert it for you!!!|||Download them to you computer, then open them in a photo editing software. Save them as a Jpeg, or whatever you want them to be, and then upload them to myspace. Myspace probably likes Jpeg, or Gif..|||you can use any adobe photoshop software and open the pic on photoshop, and you can change the file format while saving it *use the Save As*.... or you can use Paint too...|||no need of 3rd party software

just use microsft paint ( if u use windows )

open any image in paint and then save it in your choice format .

easy, just 2 min work

except gif .

gif is format used for animations . so a picture can not be saved as (.gif ) in that format.

for third party software use irfan view.

very good software.|||I do all my photo processing with Adobe Photoshop.