Friday 16 September 2011

How do I change a picture that I edited into a jpeg format? I did some editing and something went wrong.?

Photogallery won't let me change it to a jpeg image. I can't download it or print it....HELP
How do I change a picture that I edited into a jpeg format? I did some editing and something went wrong.?
Not enough information to help you - what format has it been saved in?

Best advice. Never never never never do your editing on an original image, always do it on a copy.
How do I change a picture that I edited into a jpeg format? I did some editing and something went wrong.?
First I hope you still have your original JPEG file and did not overwrite it.

What format is you manipulated file in and what program did you use to make these manipulations (editing is in the world of photography is what sorting images to compile the best of the best).
I use Paint Shop Pro for a lot of things and you should be able to save any file as a JPEG image in it or some program similar if you have it. If you don't have the program already there are free trials to use, if you are just looking for a quick fix. I hope that helps.